

贷款计算器 / 发布时间:2024-07-09 18:38:27

"Man'sgreatest enemy in speculation is 'hope.' He refuses to face facts, and factsare stubborn things. Hope spurs us on. It may be an anchor to the soul, butit's a very slim anchor in speculation when those facts are against us."     人们在投机过程中最大的敌人就是所谓“幻想”。他们拒绝面对现实,而现实往往很残酷。“幻想”激励着我们,它就像驻守在心灵里的大山,然而在投机买卖中当现实和我们的幻想背道而驰的时候这座大山却变得不堪一击。   "Justas detectives learn the habits of a certain gang of criminals from the cluesthat they leave behind them, so can a Wall Street detective find a clue to whatthe 'powers that be' and master market manipulators intend to do with thestocks"    正如侦探从犯罪分子留下的线索来获知他们的习性一样,华尔街的侦探也可以找到市场的幕后推手的线索,而这个市场的操纵者正是股票的操纵者。    "Themovement of a stock, up or down, is made by human minds who buy or sell it withthe intention of closing the deals later at a profit. What one man's mind candevise, another man's mind can figure out, for, after all, human nature neverchanges. By studying inpidual stocks and following the rules for detectingand determining the trend, you will be able to make large amounts ofmoney."     一只股票的波动,上涨或下跌,是由投资者期望获利而进行买卖的行为造成的。一个人的想法可以由另一个人推理出来,而且人的本性是永远不会变的。通过对各类股票的研究及遵循预测及判定趋势的规则,你就可以赚取很多钱!   "Future stock market movements can be forecast by a study of past history and past movements. By knowing the time when the greatest advances have taken place and the times when the greatest panics and declines have occurred, so we can find the time periods to watch for major and minor changes in trend, you can detect what to expect in the future. Just remember one thing, whatever has happened in the past in the stock market and on Wall Street will happen again."     通过研究过去的历史和过去的市场波动,我们就可以预测出未来的股票市场波动。通过了解什么时候曾经出现过最大的上涨和什么时候极大的恐慌和下跌,然后我们就能够找出时间周期以便观察主要和次要的趋势如何变化,你便可以预期未来将发生什么。只需牢记一件事情,股票市场过去已发生过的任何事情都将在华尔街再现。    Every stock has its peculiar vibration,which shows whether the energy drives it upward or downward. Flammarioin tells us everything is based on vibration. Through this law Prof. De Forest discovered wireless telegraphy.    每一个股票都存在特有的振动,这种振动显示出是否能量驱动它向上或者向下。Flammarioin 告诉我们一切事物都基于振动。 通过这条定律,De Forest教授发现了无线电报。    Remember that the harder you work, the more knowledge you will get, and the more profits you will make. King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, shows wisdom and understanding above everything else. You will do well to follow his example. “Happy is the man who find the Wisdom, and the man who get the Understanding!” (Proverbs).    请牢记:你越是努力学习,那么你越是会得到更多的知识并且将获得更多的利润。所罗门国王,这位有史以来最聪明的人指出智慧和理解高于一切。 以他为榜样你将会做得更好。“寻见有智慧的人有福,取得明哲的人真乐!”。    "There is no use staying in, holding on and hoping, when things go against you. Take your loss quickly and get out. You will make money by staying out of the market and waiting for an opportunity when the market is right, your physical condition good and your mind at its best. To beat the stock market is a battle of wits. Your mind must be active, keen and alert. You must be able to change your mind and act quickly. When you find that your mind gets sluggish and you cannot act quickly, you are in no position to be in the market."      当趋势离你而去的时候,死撑毫无意义,抱着侥幸没有一点用。尽快承认损失并离开市场。你将因为离开市场来“赚”到一笔钱,并等待适合你的市场机会,这样你的物质条件良好,心态也不错。打败市场是一个智力的战争,你的思维要积极,敏锐,警觉。你要学会快速的调整改变你的心态和行为。当你的思维变的迟缓,你的行动就会失去果断快速,这样你在市场里就根本无法立足。    There is a seasonal trend and a mathematical scientific cycle which determines the time and limits to which a man can go and when he bucks the law and the tide turns against him. The most important thing for every man to know is when to quit. After a man has made money, he must know when he has enough, stop and keep what he has. …    一个周期性季节性的趋势和数学的科学循环确定了一个人可以到达的时间和范围,以及什么时候它违反法则使得趋势向与他预期的相反方向的逆转。对每个人来说最重要的事情是知道什么时候退出。在一个人赚到钱后,他必须知道什么时候就足够了,什么时候停止并保持他所拥有的。    "Leave queer-acting stocks alone. Stick to the ones that favor you. The kinds of stocks to trade in are those that are active and those that follow the rules and a definite trend. There are always queer-acting stocks and some stocks that don’t follow the rules. These stocks should be left alone."    离那些走市古怪的股票远远的,牢牢沾住一个你能很好把握的股票 。适合交易的股票种类是那些活跃的并且跟随法则具有明确趋势的那些股票。那些走市总是很古怪的股票和那些不跟随法则的股票,我们应该让它们自己去表演。



